
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Carnival of Яust !

I heal under the open sky
I look at the bird soaring high
Rusted, bruised and devoured
Often wondering about time, people and life
About feelings, thoughts, situations.

I watch movies of different genres
I sing songs without knowing the lyrics
I talk things that confuse even me
Realizing that the mind has immense force
The creator of every need & the whole thought.

I feel educated to the minimum level
To survive, live and breathe for heaven
I have parts working in proper order
Only to deceive me at times of polar.

I question myself and seek an answer
I share thoughts with people unknown
I get ideas but no clear reason
I sense the same ole confusion.

No path is the correct path
No colour is the right colour
No answer is right enough
No discussion gives a justifying verdict
No Logic is convincing forever

I thought for a long while
I found my answer in the common cry
Out of the cocoon the cells shouted
Happiness is what we desire
To be loved and to be free at all times.

(Inspired by the movie: Into the Wild)


Dhawan said...

awesome job... really liked the title and then of course, im as much smitten by the movie as u are. great work!

Souvik Gupta said...

nice one.. liked this...