
Thursday, February 26, 2009

10 things i wanna do before i leave..

juz got a forward; thought sud pen it down else i wud get strayed..

1. Play guitar and strum some of my favorites ( Nirvana esp) at a local pub in Vladivostok.

2. Write a novel on a theme called: Normalcy and choose an editor of my choice.

3. Travel all the places that I have dreamt of till 22 years of age and appreciate Photography.( And meet again some of the wonderful people I have met in ma past)

4. Throw my blackberry into the Pacific , giggle for a while and lie down on the beach at tahiti sipping coconut water. ( A pack of cigars would pep up the moment)

5. Make my close friends happy and my parents proud for my existence; and give ma share of happiness to my mother.

6. Be an awesome brother to my sisters; give dem some moments of surprise in alternate years.

7. Spend money for a single day like I wanted to!( smell of burnt notes....)

8. Try pattofying a woman in a moment and the sexepisodes... and discuss Love and world!

9. Feel peace within and find solace in poetry, some junk books, some well-made movies, some nice tunes, varied delicacies and EXPERIMENTATION.

10. (Back-up wish)!!


Souvik Gupta said...

nice and sweet...

Dhawan said...

nice and sweet??? that is fuckin awesome man... amazin wishes!!